
BFI: The Cut

BFI: The Cut

Working with the BFI we have created a content strategy called “The Cut” designed to drive trial of the BFI Player, the home of European Independent Cinema.

Each month we work with a famous creative influencer, an individual not traditionally associated with film and explore their creative process.  We visit their place of work and present a unique perspective on how they “make”.

Our documentary shorts lift the lid on the places they find creative inspiration.

And of course all of them find it in part, in independent film, in Bella Freud’s own words “it is a melting point of creativity”.

Our documentaries have their own dedicated channel on the BFI Player, called The Cut.  Where you will also find supporting images, quotes and sections of interview.

We have also created shortened versions of the documentaries for Facebook that are edited and distributed to appeal to different subgroups of their fanbases.

The Es Devlin film can be seen here.